Letter To Bethany

Phil Van Steenburgh Dear ßethany, Today marks one year, 365 days since we last were fellow travelers-sojourners in this “weary land.” Such a long time has passed since October 18, 2001. The sorrow, the pain and grief of your absence, they’ve lingered...

Personal Statement

Van Steenburgh, Philip Candidate Number: 706656 I have always had, and always will have, a strong sense of gratitude for my situation in life, particularly the freedoms that I enjoy in the United States of America. In conjunction with that gratitude, I feel equally...


Influence- the power to have an effect on someone, shown only in the result of the effect. The major influence in my life was, and probably still is, my cousin Bethany. Bethany was the most beautiful person both physically and spiritually. It didn’t matter whom you...
Bethany (Face to Face)

Bethany (Face to Face)

I see her now She is more beautiful than ever The rainbows, the mountains, the valleys grow envious of her newfound beauty She sings The glorious tone of praise echoes forth She cries But no more tears of sorrow No more tears of pain She cries for joy For now she sees...

The Other Side

While struggling through the sadness of a loved one who is gone, it’s hard to just continue it’s hard to carry on. Sometimes I picture in my mind the smile she used to wear when dealing with her being gone is more than I can bear. I put my trust in God above until the...