The first time I remember meeting Bethany was when my family went over to her family’s house after church one Sunday. I ignored her and my sister and played with Micah and his Micro Machines. In these early years, we continued to get to know each over lunches at Ryan’s after church, a Super Bowl party at my parents’ house, and other occasions

formed from the fact that our parents’ are friends. These times laid the groundwork for a friendship that grew despite middle school immaturity, high school homecoming awkwardness, and parting ways to graduate from different high schools. I wish I had something more significant to write about Bethany in her final days, but that time is a blur in my memory. I remember visiting her as often as I could when she was in the Greenville hospital and calling to check on her when I couldn’t visit. I remember how she looked beautiful even when her head was shaved and she was surrounded with tubes and medical equipment. I remember that she smiled a lot more than I would expect someone in her situation to. I remember the turnout at her funeral and what that indicates about her impact on people. I remember going back to school after the funeral and a few days later meeting a guy in the elevator who was also there and spoke highly of her. I remember hearing story after story about how people have been influenced by her strength of faith. And I know that she will continue to influence me as I grow through life, carrying a piece of her in a special reserved place in my soul.

Daniel White -February 20, 2006