Every year I read all of the anniversary remembrances of Bethany. Every year I intend to send you my own note…and I think every year has slipped by me. I hope you know how much all of us in the band loved Bethany. We had the great fortune of getting to know thousands of students during our time of touring, but Bethany was special to us…and she was special to us long before she was sick.
From my perspective her battle just revealed who she already was…wise beyond her years, thinking more of others than herself, encouraging everyone to join her in looking to the hope of eternity rather than the here and now. She did this every day that I knew her. Now with two children of my own, I have hopes and aspirations for them. The greatest of these, however, is that the days they have would matter and that they would be deep and rich in the things that will outlast all of us. For that to happen, I know that it will be more of Grace than my parenting. How much Grace, then, was laid upon Bethany? Unspeakable Grace.
It was all joy and kindness that God allowed our paths to cross, and it is all joy and kindness to remember her life today. Thanks for loving on us all of these years. Praying every manner of peace for y’all….and come see us on the coast soon! -Warren
Warren Bazemore
(Silers Bald)
October 18, 2013