Once Upon A Time

I was born on January 17, 1983 in Presbyterian Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. My mother was in labor for eleven hours, but it was worth the trouble. At approximately one PM a baby girl was placed into her father’s arms. Read more →

The Edge Video

The Edge is a weeklong Presbyterian camp for middle school kids …held at Covenant College each summer in Chattanooga, Tennessee. As you will see and read on the video, the Edge was one of Bethany’s greatest joys on this earth. This video was played at a memorial...

In her own words

As told by her father, Neil… “When we talked of her cancer and what might happen, she said, ‘Daddy, the worst thing that could happen to me would be the best thing that could happen to me.’ I cried. Oh God forgive me for my lack of vision. I told her I would take the...